As I have a cold and no energy to think, I'm lifting this list from Danielle at A Work In Progress. And just who do you think YOU are?
Bibliobibule--One who reads too much
Biblioclast--One who tears the pages from or otherwise destroys books
Bibliodemon--A book fiend or demon
Bibliognoste--One who is knowledgeable about editions, colophons, printers, and all the minutiae of books
Bibliographe--One who describes books
Biblioklept--One who steals books
Bibliolater--One who worships books
Bibliolestes--A book robber or plunderer
Bibliomancer--One who practices divination by books
Bibliomane--One who accumulates books indiscriminately
Bibliomaniac--A book lover gone mad
Bibliophage--One who eats or devours books
Bibliophile--One who loves books
Bibliophobe--One who fears books
Bibiliopole--One who sells books
Biblioriptos--One who throws books around
Bibliosopher--One who gains wisdom from books
Bibliotaphe--One who buries or hides books
I think I'd be a bibliomane (and I can say for a fact that Big J is as well), a bibliophile and hopefully I'm also a bibliosopher. At an earlier point in my life I could've added a bibliobibule to the list as well, but alas, the only thing I get too much of is The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Sandra Boynton books.
Bibliobibule--One who reads too much
Biblioclast--One who tears the pages from or otherwise destroys books
Bibliodemon--A book fiend or demon
Bibliognoste--One who is knowledgeable about editions, colophons, printers, and all the minutiae of books
Bibliographe--One who describes books
Biblioklept--One who steals books
Bibliolater--One who worships books
Bibliolestes--A book robber or plunderer
Bibliomancer--One who practices divination by books
Bibliomane--One who accumulates books indiscriminately
Bibliomaniac--A book lover gone mad
Bibliophage--One who eats or devours books
Bibliophile--One who loves books
Bibliophobe--One who fears books
Bibiliopole--One who sells books
Biblioriptos--One who throws books around
Bibliosopher--One who gains wisdom from books
Bibliotaphe--One who buries or hides books
I think I'd be a bibliomane (and I can say for a fact that Big J is as well), a bibliophile and hopefully I'm also a bibliosopher. At an earlier point in my life I could've added a bibliobibule to the list as well, but alas, the only thing I get too much of is The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Sandra Boynton books.
I am omniobibliophic. And there's nothing better than a baby in your lap and a copy of The Barnyard Polka
Posted by
Lorna |
9:10 PM